@BeanSetup & @Bean

If you need to provide dependencies manually, you can use the @BeanSetup annotation.

A method (provider) that has @Bean annotations must return an object that will be added to the dependency list. Provider methods CAN BE STATIC!

import xyz.failutee.mineject.annotation.Bean;
import xyz.failutee.mineject.annotation.BeanSetup;

public class TaskServiceSetup {
    TaskService taskService() {
        return new TaskService();

Provider method can also accept parameters that will be automatically injected into the method! You can also inject dependencies into the constructor.

import xyz.failutee.mineject.annotation.Bean;
import xyz.failutee.mineject.annotation.BeanSetup;
import xyz.failutee.mineject.annotation.Injectable;

public class TaskServiceSetup {

    public TaskServiceSetup(TestManager testManager) {
        /* ... */
    TaskService taskService(TestManager testManager) {
        return new TaskService();

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